The optimal time for a poetic strolling the streets and lanes of Lesser Town is after dark. The tourist rush become quiet, historic lamps of the street lights light up and in many cases the frontages of palaces or significant houses of Lesser Town are extra lighten. One of the examples is also a slant Thunovská Street. It is the communication connecting the Castle stairs and the Tomášská Street. There is a fact speaking about its antiquity, that already from the 14th century it has been called Pod stupni/Under the degrees. From the beginning of the 18th century the lower part of the street was called Sklenářská/The Glazier street, because the glaziers were professing their crafts here. The middle part above the Sněmovní street beared the name of Farská/The rectory street. That is because in the Kolovratském house No. 177 there used to be a rectory of the Church of st. Nicholas. The baroque construction of this house was finished in 1707 and it is accredited to architect Antonín Luragov. The upper part by the Castle stairs was called the Thunovská street. From 1870 the whole street bears this name. The reason why is that the local house No. 180 holds the Thunovský Palace. By the beginning of the twenties of the last century the palace was bought from Josef Osvald III. Thuna from the Hohenštejn – Salm – Reifferscheidt by the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and the Northern Island in then ČSR (Czechoslovakia). Today there is an embassy. On the corner by the turning toward palace there is the bronze breast bust of the eminent british statesman and politician Winston Churchill (1874-1965) standing on the stone pedestal. The ceremonial exhibition of a monument was hold on the 14th of July 1992. Among the guests there were also the czechoslovakian soldiers, which during the world war II. were fighting on the west front. These soldiers also standed the guard of honor by this monument. Last but not least the author and a sculptor of the monument František Bělský was presented. He was born in Brno but living and creating in the Great Britain. He represented the statesman with his thumbs behind the jachet flaps, with the refractory expression reflecting the strong will in every feature of his face. On the pedestal there is one of his citation: In the war the determination, in the loss the defiance, in the victory the generosity, in the time of peace the good will.