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George´s square sometimes marked as the fourth courtyard is right from the beginning of  settlement of the Prague´s castle one of its central space. It is accessible from the third courtyard and via Vikářská street and from the east via Jiřská street. There are several significant objects turning into its space. First of all it is by its frontage the three-aisled basillica of St. George with two towers and  frontage of the Chapel of St. John Nepomuský, constructed in 1718-1722 based on the project of architect František Maxmilián Kaňka. In today´s  appearance the frontage of  romanesque basilica of st. George is early baroque from the third quarter of the 17th century. Along with the church which was constructed in the first quarter of the 9th century was in 973 also established the monastery of female benedictines, where the foundress Mlada, later called blessed, a sister of the emperor Boleslav II. became the first superioress. Today already abolished monastery serves for presentation of part of National Gallery´s collection. There is also former Institution of noblewomen and church of All Saints which partly turns into the space of square. Leading in on the south side of square there are so-called Jezdecké schody/Riders stairs coming from the Vladislav´s hall. So because riders used to ride their horses here, when in the Renaissance times besides many other events the knight´s duel took place in this hall.

As a opposit site to Basilica of St. George is more than dignified a monumental east ending of the cathedral of St. Vitus. On the north side of the square there is a block of three houses and among them a pseudogothic building Nového proboštví stands out. This building is from 1878-1880 and is construdted after the project of arcitect Josef Mocker.
Not long time ago the square area has been completely repaved. The reconstruction also included recessing and opening of restored fountain from the second half of the 17th century. An installatation of new architectonic component a sandstone bench of three monolithic blocks took place in the north-east corner by wall of the former monastery.