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This place was called at St Peter for a long time pursuant to the church of the same dedication, which has been standing there. As late as in 1894 the square got the present name, Peter’s.

Indisputably, the dominant feature of the area is the church of St Peter with a pair of high front towers and a separately standing bell tower. In the second half of 12th century, during great boom of the Czech Romanesque architecture, there was built a stone sacral building, three-nave basilica with a tribune and towers in its western front, closed with squared loft with half-round apsidiole. The church was re-built several times during gothic era. At first the northern nave was replaced with a gothic double-nave one. The central nave was built during reconstruction in 1382-1411. In the end of 15th century the southern Romanesque nave was replaced with late gothic one and the Romanesque towers were rebuilt in the same style. The church had been damaged by war events and fires for several times. Re-gothisation, which was realized by arch. Josef Mocker, modified it into the present shape. Tympanum of the pseudo-gothic entrance portal is decorated with relief of Jesus, handing over the keys the St Peter. Author of the relief is sculptor Ludvík Šimek.

The separately standing bell tower with open gate is also late gothic, later on a baroque cupola was mounted on that. There are also bells and clock-faces in the tower. Likewise almost at all Prague churches, a cemetery was situated there in the past.

Nowadays, there is an enclosed relaxing area with benches on the north side of the church of St Peter. One may sit there for a while and feast his or her eyes on the architecture of past centuries.
