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Upozornění pro vývojářeTento web používá již nepodporovanou knihovnu pro zobrazení mapy.Více informací najdete zde
   Old Castle Stairs lead out of Lesser Town’s Street Pod Bruskou into area which is roughly called Na Opyši and then to eastern gate of the Prague Castle. Let’s add that Opyš is an old place-name, which had appeared as early as in 12th century. Old Castle Stairs were built perhaps in 16th century, however the street name has been used only since 1829. These stone steps, on which hundred thousands of tourists walk every year, have been made popular by Karel Hašler and his song Along Old Castle Stairs.
   In the beginning of the stairs there is standing old-Prague house U Verdugů no. 47. In the course of time it had many famous people among its tenants. Its black day came on 13th March 1993, when a huge building accident happened there. The occupants were offered with reserve accommodation. The house underwent huge capital reconstruction. After that promise of representatives of Prague 1 District was fulfilled and the original tenants returned there.
   Upwards, there is a baroque object no. 113 on the southern side of the Old Castle Stairs. Originally, it was a garden house. The higher you are climbing, the more there is opening a beautiful panorama of Vltava valley and historical development as well as panorama of gardens, especially of Fürstenberg palace.
  One of the most wonderful views of Prague is from the area of Opyš, from the point where part of the historical fortification is left as a symbol. In this place it is also possible to enter the area of Prague Castle by a gate, where members of Castle Guardians are stand. Another gate allows entering southern gardens on Ramparts, Hartig and Paradise Garden. In Opyš there is standing classical object U Vinice sv. Václava no. 148, too. As this area served as place of execution for noble people in remote past, there is placed St. Barbora’s statue, which is among others considered to be a mediator of death hour and thus a protectress of the executed.